Thursday, June 20, 2013

July 2013

Hello. It's been such a long time since I've been on here, I almost forgot I had one. Haha.

A lot of things have changed over the past few years, bad and good for the best. I graduated high school last year, moved away from back home, entered college as of December 2012, will be graduating my program this year. I can say I can't wait to be done and move on my career :-)

Enough with that, enjoy your evening!

Thursday, February 23, 2012


pictures of me from last year

Saturday, December 31, 2011


"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle."

december 31, 2011

we shall see what's in store for me in 2012!

Monday, July 4, 2011


"If the only place where I could see you was in my dreams, I'd sleep forever."

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."

"Distance means so little when someone means so much"

"We are the perfect couple, we're just not in the perfect situation."

Credit -

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Beautiful Sunday morning

Good day, good day. It's just starting but I looove it and wish it was like this every other day. Anyway, enjoyed my night - had drinks, music, bonfire + many laughs.

Well it's lunch time, having an AMAZING meal <3 + tea, mmm. I don't know what I'm doing today, maybe if the sandbar's up - take my dogs there or go for a long walk :)

Song at the moment - Jah Cure - Never Find